Paleolithic Venus Collection Hand Painted 3D Print Paleolithic Replica

from £17.50
Our Venus figurine collection includes the Venus’ of Brassempouy, Willendorf, and Dolní Věstonice. The figurines are printed in corn-starch PLA plastic, to a three quarter scale (75%) of the originals and to an Accuracy of 0.1mm. The varying materials of the originals, etched ivory, carved stone and moulded clay reflected in the finishing and colouring of each item.

These ancient Palaeolithic artworks come from between 25,000 and 30,000 BC. A time when an ice-age griped much of European, when mammoths, rhinos and lions hunted the plains north of the Mediterranean Sea.

It is thought Venus figurines were created as fertility symbols, perhaps placed in crude alters among the wilderness, and even handled while prayers of good fortune where whispered to these goddess figures in the shadows of the firelight. They are scared items of the earliest, rawest religion humans know.

Whether your interests come from Palaeolithic archaeology, or perhaps connecting with that ancient shamanistic thought, these pieces make for a wonderful reminder that our roots are old and deep.

A rare chance to own a unique and quality model designed by ancient-man and reproduced using modern 3D printing.

*each collection is printed on demand, as the items are hand painted and finished each set will vary slightly.
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