Digital Download Covid-19 Origami Kit and Zines

This is the digital download of the kit, an A3 printer is required to make the physical origami model.

There is no ignoring the last 16 months, the pandemic has changed all our lives. While most of us are still reeling from it and many more are heartily sick of hearing about it, there is still a need to understand what has happened and educate younger people about the virus and pandemic.

Here at Chapel Prints, we have been working on various 3D prints of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and its proteins. However, there are limits to how cheap we can sell our PLA plastic items (these take many days to print and finish). So, we came up with the idea to create an Origami model of the virion which can be a visual and physical learning aid – roughly depicting all the key aspects of the molecular biology of the virus.

The process of folding, building, and creating this structure acts as a great tool to aid engagement and make the learning process more rememberable – making the very abstract field of molecular biology more tangible. We base all our 3D prints and the imagery used in our origami model on a highly accurate, 7 million atom, digital model of the SARS-CoV-2 virion. With a background in studying drug design and molecular biology all our products are based on up-to-date scientific information[1].

We offer a range of kits to suit various settings, a large bundle for class and a download version for those with access to printers. This is the digital download version of our model it includes all the printable files needed to to create the origami model provided you have access to an A3 printer.

Files included:
PDF of the Origami Instruction Zine.
PDF of the Covid-19 Guide Booklet (Zine).
JPG of the Virion Sphere (to be printed on an A3 Printer)
JPGs of the Spike Protein Sheets - 3 sheets (to be printed on an A4 printer).
JPGs of the Zine formats for both the Origami Instruction and the Guide Book (A3 printer required).

Whether you are interested in learning more about the virus, home schooling your children or a teacher want to run a class on the pandemic; our origami kit is a brilliant and affordable way to create 1.5 million times to scale model of this insidious enemy.

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